Monday, 11 August 2014

Return of the lost blogger!


Hello everybody!

 I may finally be ready to get some serious writing done after a year of moving home, country, health issues and general mayhem! Writing and blogging have been quite far down my 'to do' list, I'm afraid especially as I have spent some weeks in hospital.

But I'm back and raring to go but...

I'm so sad that my blog has been overrun with spam and people hacking into it. I am now cleaning it up and I should be in full swing very soon.

Please bear with me whilst I get up and running.


  1. Glad to see you back! I was wondering where you were x

  2. Glad to have you back as well. I completely understand the need to be away. In fact, today is my first day back after a very lengthy hiatus. I knew that I had to begin reconnecting with blogger friends , but I didn't know where to begin so I decided to click on random photos and that was how I would rebuild my online connections and relationships. Imagine how weird (not in a bad way) in was when I clicked on the very first blog and it was your's and the first post I read was something similar to mine about being away. I am asking people to hang in there, with me, as well, while I get my blog back up and running.

    Very nice that you are back. I look forward to reconnecting. At least I know of one friend now who will understand that it might take me a little bit of time to get back in the swing of things. I hope all is well with you. Best of luck getting things back up and running and when you have some time -- down the road, a bit, please do stop by for a visit. I will check back with you soon.
    Take care,
