Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year - New Start - New Aspirations??

New year – New Aspirations? Yay!!?? Perhaps...
 At least that’s what it’s meant to be. But maybe the aspirations are not so new…  It’s been quite a while since I worked on my WIP and whilst I did have every intention of continuing with it, I now feel like starting a new project! I guess it’s the New Year thing – new broom and all that!
The thing is my WIP is 60000 words done so it seems a shame to abandon it. But I won’t shelve it forever. I think I’ll just get going on something else and keep it in the background. I will, in any case, have to sit and re-read it all anyway - just to remind myself of where I was at. So maybe when I’ve done that I’ll feel re-invigorated and excited by it again!!

Perhaps the solution is to try a few short stories and then see how I feel… (sighs and pulls face…)

 But then again – some brilliant ideas are calling out to me. They just don’t want to wait on the backburner and I worry that I will forget or lose the main idea if I prevaricate. I have made notes but that’s not the same as starting a new project fired up with the enthusiasm and excitement which will carry me through the first chapters.

I know many people say they start a work with great hope and then part way through go stale and abandon it, especially if the writing gets tough or the plot starts going nowhere. But I must say I am a finisher and rarely give up on a work even when it gets hard. There is satisfaction in just completing and often the work is better for struggling through some hard parts.
So, maybe I will get back to my original work, after all…
Happy New Year everyone!


  1. When I get a new story idea, I always work on it or plot it out until I hit a little roadblock. Usually I'll work on it for a few days and then get back to my other WIP. So maybe you can try the same thing...get your new story out of your system.

    Happy New Year!!!! :)

  2. Happy New Year, Pat. Wishing you lots of success with your new project and hope that the words will flow freely throughout the year.

  3. Happy new year Pat! Getting stuck with the WIP or the plot going astray is just part of the writing journey. It always happens to me at some point - so when it does I give myself some thinking space to work out why it went wrong. Once I identify the problem I set to fixing it. Like you I find it very hard to give up on a project but easy to put on the back burner for too long! Good luck with your writing in 2015!
    Janice xx

  4. Thanks for your comments folks. I have now started on my wip again!!

  5. Hello Pat, why not give yourself a date to restart your longer manuscript, and in the meantime write what you want? Short story, flash fiction, or a bit of non-fiction? Do set a 'done by date' though...otherwise you won't feel accountable.
